There was a time when I could honestly say that "I don't give a shit about politics". Quite honestly it wasn't that long ago. As I get older however, I am fascinated by the corruption and greed that permeates throughout the system. The government that exists and runs our society today is so far removed from what our founding fathers envisioned that, if it weren't so sad and frightening, it would be laughable. The original aristocrats that were in charge of lawmaking and protecting their constituents never foresaw the greed and self entitlement that currently comes with the power of being an elected official in today's society. It has become obvious to those of us that are paying attention, that once a person is elected into political office and the position becomes a career, enslavement to the lobbyists ensues. It is now a known fact that pharmaceutical companies, credit card conglomerates, oil companies and wealthy Democrats are calling the shots on how this country is run AND it has nothing to do with what's in the best interest of the American people! It has everything to do with preserving personal wealth, dodging the payment of taxes and distribution of power to other greedy bastards that are like thinkers. It is now my opinion that it will take a revolt of epic proportions by the American people to put an end to the existing cesspool that is now our government. It is appalling to find out that these egotistical, power barons have actually installed safeguards within the political system to ensure that, should the citizens of America discover the vile behavior and conceit, their positions of power and influence are protected. I never learned about the "Electoral College" in high school (could have been I wasn't paying attention but, I don't think so). Seems we've come to realize that if the American population of voters elect a presidential candidate, even by an overwhelming margin, the "Electoral College" wields the power to strike down the vote and ensure the country's next leader is someone that is already on board with their unsavory plans or is someone weak and easily manipulated. This is obviously how Obama won his two terms as President. I don't know of a single person that admits to voting for him the second I understand. I don't know if Donald Trump is the answer to America's deep seated problems but, I do know that a vote for the opposition is a looming disaster. At the very least he will expose all those "fat assed do nothings" currently holding office for way to long and sucking the system dry. People talk about welfare recipients and illegal aliens sucking off America's tit. What about the life-long politicians pulling down immense salaries and benefits for life? What does that cost the American tax payer? Donald Trump for President? Honestly...What do we have to lose at this point?